Through performances that are ironic, buoyant, a nd infectious, the work is designed to displace and transform the audience’s perspective, using language in combination with an entire sensory experience to express ideas that words alone cannot convey. We are committed to creating theater that is intelligent and thought-provoking. We are dedicated to presenting rarely produced, renowned plays that explore and illuminate the human purpose, creating a dialogue with the audience about the relevance and impact of the human condition in our contemporary world. The mission of the IRC is to bring the classics of absurdist theater to an international audience within the Philadelphia region. Ionesco’s hilarious, controversial, absurdist classic: an elderly couple play games in a lighthouse at the edge of a watery nighttime universe: painstaking theatrical preparations welcome imaginary guests, one delivering life’s enduring secret. “Haunting, powerful, hilarious.” The IRC: We Bring Good Nothingness to Life.