The ground, for one thing, is completely destructible and you can perform a little “Dig Dug” action by tunneling beneath the enemy to reach your goal or digging under them to take them out from below. Broforce isn’t a straight run and gun as the game has plenty of strategic environment hazards that can either work for you or against you. You’re job is to get in, save your bros who are prisoners of war and get out, liberating each area. What about story? THIS GAME DOESN’T NEED A STORY!! But it does have one – somewhat (I don’t care) Broforce is a run and gun style game that pits your bros against a band of ruthless terrorist. Take one part Contra, sprinkle in some platforming elements, throw in near destructible environments and wrap that around some of the 80s and 90s finest action heroes and that’s essentially Broforce in a nutshell. Well the game has come hone and muh gawd… My best of 2014 will be most interesting indeed! However there was one title I that I really, truly wanted some hands on, but never got the chance to try it out - Broforce from Free Lives and Devolver for PC. PAX East 2014 has come and gone, and while I didn’t get the chance to go hands on with a lot of games I was interested in, what I did get the chance to play really left an impression on me.

Pity isn’t going to fix your problemsHey gang, Valkor here. Help us help you, post your logs and give details about what’s wrong. You and them could have completely different issues. Originally posted by e.bkapalka:Not starting is almost as vague as vague gets. Pity isn’t going to fix your problemsīroforce ĭ3d11.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)ĭ:\programmes\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Broforce\Broforce_beta.exe, run by Whann.

Not starting is almost as vague as vague gets. It seems no one have found any solution yet. Originally posted by Wan el mask:Same problem here.